alright well... here goes nothing/// I haven't been for too long in the guild, or the game either but I still wish to share a small story with you, how I eventually ended up being here... This might get cheesy and cringy... so that's your head ups to get alcohol and dampen it...
Like any good story, it started with a bunch of head pats... I first started playing the game last year in autumn after being burnt out on WoW. Because of life happening I couldn't play the game for al out a month and when I cake back, I didn't remember where I left off...I decided to take a big step...and start over, this time I decided to be a lalafel... I've obviosuly grown a little bit more guess is all the calcium...
I was semi afk while near the Gridania aetherite when I suddenly noticed a croud gathered all around...everyone...head patting me...a small sprout lala, getting head pats from 6-8 other it hit me hard...still does...x.x I felt overwhelmed...all these people, I never knew or met or anything just giving me unconditional love...I started hugging and thanking everyone around, one of those people sent me a friend request... Lumi first friend in the game...I should mention i barely every interacted with other people...
At the time I was a free user so I couldn't whisper her back and thank her for the friend request....she did first though, said: "if you'll never need anything don't feel shy to ask, would be more than happy to help" I felt bad I couldn't talk with her..."she's so friendly and nice and all the headpats and emote spams between us!"
Eventually I finished know what they either get to love Heavensward or forever stay in ARR... Eventually I got to subscribe to the game and that's when I had the ability to /tell people...the first person, was Lumi...
Surprisingly she didn't forget...and was joyous to hear what impact our little initial interaction had on us...I remembered her...even over a month after we first met... We started chatting, and slowly but surely...we discovered we had a lot more in common than we thought...
Soon after I had the pleasure to meet her husband, Sunwu... First time we met...he gifted me an item I was trying so hard to save up for...the Spring dress...a glamour set I still use to this day and for which I'm very thankful for...But our friendship couldn't be contained by the game alone...We started discussing our lives and past together...
At the time I was gathering the paperwork for my visa... Earlier in October my boyfriend at the time proposed to me and we decided it was time for us to be together... I want to keep this short and less cringy/cheesy...but both Lumi and Sunwu have witnessed very important events in my life...from me finding new work to moving to another country...entirely and even a wedding
In all this time, they have both been incredibly supportive and understanding...I never met kinder or more loving people than them, and for that...I thank you, both Lumi and Sunwu...For being there for me and supporting and offering advice and aid in these... life changing events I've been through and I hope you'll stick around even longer!
Here's to you! My best friends in any game... And to one in real life! And to cook something for you two as well...Without you...I don't think I would have stuck this long...and I definitely wouldn't have been a member of this guild without you either, thank you, for everything!